Doja Cat Sam Hyde Neo Nazi Shirt: Who Is Sam Hyde?

Doja Cat Sam Hyde Neo Nazi Shirt

Doja Cat, the popular singer and rapper known for her hits like “Say So” and “Kiss Me More”, has sparked controversy online after posting a selfie wearing a shirt with the image of Sam Hyde, a notorious neo-Nazi and alt-right comedian. Many fans and critics have expressed their outrage and disappointment at Doja Cat’s apparent endorsement of Hyde, who has been involved in several public pranks, internet hoaxes, and hate speech incidents. But who is Sam Hyde, and why is he so controversial? Here are some facts you need to know about him.

Sam Hyde is a co-founder of sketch comedy group Million Dollar Extreme

Sam Hyde is a 38-year-old American comedian, boxer, and a co-founder of sketch comedy group Million Dollar Extreme (MDE) alongside Nick Rochefort and Charls Carroll. Hyde is the producer of series such as World Peace and Fishtank. Hyde started his career as a stand-up comedian in the mid-2000s, with routines that were rife with homophobic slurs, antisemitic conspiracy theories, and neo-Nazi terminology. He rose to prominence when his Adult Swim show Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace premiered in August 2016, featuring his sketch comedy group MDE. The show was cancelled four months later, after receiving backlash from critics and viewers for its offensive and provocative content. Hyde claimed that the show was cancelled due to his vocal support for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and also blamed Jewish people.

Sam Hyde is a supporter of neo-Nazi and white supremacist causes

Hyde has been open about his association with the alt-right, a loosely defined movement that embraces white nationalism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, and other extremist ideologies. In 2017, Hyde donated $5,000 to the legal defense fund of Andrew Anglin, the founder and editor of neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. The Southern Poverty Law Center sued Anglin for allegedly organizing a “troll storm” against a Jewish woman in Montana. When Matt Pearce of the Los Angeles Times questioned Hyde about the donation, Hyde asked Pearce if he was Jewish and went on to say that $5,000 was “nothing” to him. Hyde also stated: “Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That’s a quote. For the reason why, you can say I want reporters to know I make more money than them, especially Matt Pearce.”. Hyde has also perpetuated far-right conspiracy theories and has made recent appearances on InfoWars and white nationalist Nick Fuentes.

Sam Hyde is often falsely blamed for mass shootings and other tragedies

Hyde has become a meme among internet trolls who often use his photo to falsely claim that he is the perpetrator of various mass shootings and other disasters. This hoax started in 2015, when users on the message board 4chan began posting Hyde’s image as the shooter in the San Bernardino attack. Since then, Hyde has been wrongly linked to several other shootings, such as the Orlando nightclub shooting, the Las Vegas shooting, and the Covenant School shooting. He has also been falsely accused of being behind the 2020 Beirut explosion and the spread of COVID-19. These hoaxes are intended to stoke confusion and misinformation among the public and the media.

Why did Doja Cat wear a Sam Hyde shirt?

Doja Cat Sam Hyde Neo Nazi Shirt
Doja Cat Sam Hyde Neo Nazi Shirt

It is unclear why Doja Cat chose to wear a shirt with Sam Hyde’s image on it. Some fans have speculated that she was unaware of who he was or what he stood for, while others have suggested that she was trying to be edgy or ironic. Doja Cat has not issued an official statement or apology for her controversial outfit choice. However, she did delete her original post and reposted a cropped version of the photo without showing the shirt. This indicates that she was aware of the backlash she received from her followers and critics. Doja Cat has previously faced accusations of racism and anti-Semitism for her involvement in online chat rooms where she allegedly stripped for white supremacists and used racial slurs. She has also apologized for a song that appeared to mock victims of police brutality.

Why is doja cat wearing a shirt by a nazi nonce? No wonder this genius annotation was so correct
byu/Ok-Tennis330 inpopheadscirclejerk

Doja Cat poses for a selfie wearing a shirt with neo Nazi Sam Hyde on it.
byu/madimpostor inFauxmoi

Doja Cat’s decision to wear a Sam Hyde shirt has disappointed many of her fans who expected better from her. By wearing a shirt that features a known neo-Nazi and alt-right figure, she has shown a lack of respect and sensitivity towards her own identity as a Black and Jewish woman, as well as towards her diverse fan base. Doja Cat should be more careful about what she wears and what message she sends to her audience. She should also educate herself on the history and impact of hate speech and violence that people like Sam Hyde promote and incite.


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