Biden Gifts Modi An AI T-Shirt: Here’s What You Need To Know About Modi’s Historic Speech To The US Congress

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On June 22, 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made history by becoming the first foreign leader to address the US Congress for the second time. His speech was a celebration of the strong and strategic partnership between the world’s two largest democracies, as well as a vision for their future cooperation in the digital age.

Modi’s speech was followed by a state dinner hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the White House, where Biden presented Modi with a special gift: a T-shirt with the words “The Future Is AI – America And India”, quoting Modi’s own words from his speech.

What did Modi say in his speech? Why did Biden give him an AI T-shirt? And what does it mean for the US-India relationship? Here are some key points you need to know:

Modi’s speech highlighted the common values and interests of US and India

Modi began his speech by expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to address the US Congress for the second time, saying that it was an “exceptional privilege” and a “testimony to our enduring friendship”.

He praised the US for being “the oldest democracy” and India for being “the largest democracy”, and said that their partnership “augurs well for the future of democracy” in a world where authoritarianism and extremism are on the rise.

He also emphasized the shared values and interests of US and India, such as freedom, diversity, pluralism, human rights, rule of law, innovation, entrepreneurship, trade, investment, climate action, health security, counter-terrorism, and defense cooperation.

He said that US and India have “a natural affinity” and “a common destiny”, and that they can work together to shape “a more peaceful, prosperous and inclusive world”.

Modi coined a new acronym to showcase the technology cooperation between US and India

One of the most memorable moments of Modi’s speech was when he coined a new acronym to highlight the technology cooperation between US and India: AI.

He said that in the past few years, there have been many advances in AI – Artificial Intelligence. But at the same time, there have been even more momentous developments in another AI – America and India.

He said that US and India have become “two of the most innovative societies” and have collaborated on many cutting-edge technologies, such as digital platforms, biotechnology, clean energy, space exploration, quantum computing, and 5G networks.

He said that US and India can leverage their strengths in AI to create new opportunities for their people, enhance their competitiveness, address global challenges, and promote democratic values.

He also said that US and India can work together to ensure that AI is used for good and not evil, and that it respects human dignity and privacy.

Biden’s AI T-shirt was a creative way to affirm the strategic partnership between US and India

After Modi’s speech, Biden invited him to the White House for a state dinner, where he presented him with a special gift: a T-shirt with the words “The Future Is AI – America And India”, quoting Modi’s own words from his speech.

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The T-shirt was a creative way to affirm the strategic partnership between US and India, as well as to acknowledge Modi’s leadership and vision for the future of technology.

The T-shirt also reflected Biden’s commitment to strengthen the US-India relationship across various domains, such as defense, trade, health, climate, education, and people-to-people ties.

Biden has said that he considers India as “a critical partner” in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond, and that he wants to elevate their partnership to a “comprehensive global strategic partnership”.

The T-shirt also showed Biden’s appreciation for Modi’s personal friendship and rapport. The two leaders have known each other since 2014, when Biden was vice president and Modi was newly elected as prime minister. They have met several times since then, both in person and virtually, and have developed a warm and cordial relationship.


Modi’s historic speech to the US Congress and Biden’s special gift of an AI T-shirt were both symbolic gestures of the deepening ties between US and India. They also demonstrated their shared vision for the future of technology and democracy in the 21st century.

US and India have a lot to gain from their partnership, as well as a lot to offer to the world. As Modi said in his speech, “The future is AI – America and India”.

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